Mayor Michael B. Hancock's State of the City 2021
@mayor of the @cityandcountyofdenver Changing Denver Forever - They forgot one thing??? Artificial Intelligence.
(AI) Will Not Allow Humans to be Fake Bias Bullshitters on the World Wide Web - Marcus Giavanni
Published July 26, 2021 3:16 PM | Updated; Aug 18, 2021 5:18 AM by */Michael B. Hancock Mayor/* Observer Indexer “Marcus Giavanni” The “State of the City” Denver Mayor #michaelbhancock Speaks City and County of Denver Verified Location Google Maps | About | "Mayor Michael B. Hancock's State of The City 2021" YouTube City And County Of Denver Government Social Asset Identified | @mayormichaelbhancock Identified “Mayor of Denver” | About | 45th (@Mayor) Michael Hancock Denver Colorado 45th (#mayor) | Denver “Next Mayoral Election” 2023 Verified @milehighclerk | About | #milehighclerk @puallopez5280 #paullopez5280 Trying To Change The Date Of Election Because “Paul D. Lopez” Wants to be “Mayor of the City and County of Denver” Not Gonna Happen | In fact “Lopez for Denver” Won’t Be Reelected in 2023 | This Holds True For Every Sitting Denver City Council Members Indexed as Kleptocrats in 2019 | Council Person Candi CdeBaca A Member of the Socialist Party | Veterans Died So You can boost about Your Socialist way And You Will never Be Mayor of Denver PERIOD Ya’ Herd Me!
Promises to Eradicate Front Door Whilst, Enabling out the Back Door, Changing the election Date, or Converting to Federal Voting Rank Choice – Nonpolitical Election May 17, 1916 and No Mention Of Ballot Only Elections Circumvented Democratic Partisan Rule Since 1963. While Mayor Hancock Leaves Denver with Many Habitual Habits.
@mayorhancock Leaves Office with two retirement plans: City Council $94,000 and When He Leaves Office $190,000 Total of $284,000 A year
Whilst He tries to find decent way to make a living. Does This man ever stop Bullshitting Denver??? – CityandCountyofDenver.com Time To reset the Entire City Government 2023. Not Sorry Mayor Hancock; You are a self-proclaimed smartest MAN in the #cityandcountyofdenver or @cityandcountyofdenver. Mayor You are a product of Denver's Last 50 years, especially the Denver Public School Administrators system. And the way they use our children as pawns.
Mayor You have not one time answered my request to meet with you. And during the elections 2011 2015 2019. You gave jobs, spoke to, all candidates but me, and others with similar stories?
Believe me Mayor, I don't lose sleep over the fact. You have not cared about me, and some of my constituents. I guess "We are not Denver" according to o your actions, and cheap shuck and jive, bullsh*t that spews from your mouth, like a true wrecker of the City of Denver. You have done last 17 years, and 20 years when you leave The Mayor's Office on July 17, 2023. It won't be your last time in this office. Just because you don't know how to tell when you have hit bottom, because your paycheck always remains the same.
In the real world; you would have been fired 2 years from you time as a city councilman. This is 100% facts, and I have seen the Advanced Algorithms, that Our Denver's Information Technology Administrators are Out Dated. And You are not educated enough to see the signs. You have no clue there are employees in Information Technology who can replace your dinosaurs. just like the last dude who coast Denver millions, he is off possibly wreaking havoc in some other city government. That dude (Scott Cardenas), was a good bullshitter, and everyone knew it; except his bosses. Oracle fines Marcus Giavanni
I Tried To Warn you a few time sending request on your Donvergov.org (Also Denver needs to join the .Gov Community, its gonna costs you more than what you all had to pay oracle; regarding loss of government funding for not being Compliant with All Governments not a Wesbite/URL with the .GOV Denver.gov city authority.
Mayor When I was Telling all your peeps
I AM Not Mad ... You Lied To me.
I am Mad Because I can't Believe Anything
You ever Tell Me Again. So, pack up your sh*t ..."you’re Fired"
Marcus Giavanni To #paullopez5280
Speer Amendement 1913 The Conversation Started
Some Thought, I Didn't Really Know the Actuall Date for Establishing A Nonpotical Citizens Government was signed May 17, 1916.
Charterof The City and County of Denver
As Revised, with All Amendments to and Including May 17, 1916 - Marcus Giavanni Indexer Google Search
When I first decided to run for Mayor of Denver in 2011, 2015, 2019 it was to reset Denver back to iit's roots as a true Non-political Administration. I was told by a constiuent (who has since passed away), in 2010 that Denver was supposed to be a nonpolitial election. And This person used to serve in the administration, and it was her parents, who were, activily involved in nonpoltical citizens, government very long time ago. And they had left in 1976 when it was learned the League of Women Voters Denver claimed to hjave a virutal monoply government. No mater what anyone says @denver We can't out smart Artificial Intelligence. Whereas, the Internet is a Tyrannical Beast That Feeds on the Emtions and Habits of Humans on the World Wide Web. - Marcus Giavanni
Politics: While Denver elections are non-partisan, Democrats have long held a virtual monopoly on Denver politics with all citywide elected officials having Democratic Party affiliation. The office of Denver's Mayor has been occupied by a Democrat since the municipal general election of 1963. WikiPedia (False)
The Denver City Council: is the legislative branch of government for the City and County of Denver, Colorado. The council is made up of thirteen elected officials from eleven City and county designated districts and two at-large elected members. Although the offices are officially non-partisan, the members are allowed to be affiliated with a political party. Most commonly in Denver history, members are almost always members of the Democratic Party, making a virtual monopoly on city politics favoring the party. Elections for all members are held every four years, the next being in 2023. The council elects a president to serve as a leader annually. WikiPedia (False)