"City of Denver (City of Denver)" @cityofdenver
The Futrue is Talking to Denver To Do the Right Thing
Published May 26, 2020 3:36 AM by CityofDenver Citizen | (@cityofdenver) Identifier | #cityofdenver Identifier | City of Denver Identified | @cityandcountyofdenver I #cityandcountyofdenver | About | City of Denver (City of Denver) City of DenverIdentity "denvergov.org" | @denvergov.org Trigger | "#denvergov.org Kleptocracy Identified and Categorized 2019 | #vitruvianMAN | #marcusgiavanni Identifier | Google Crystal Ball by Marcus Giavanni | Credibility Relevance Wisdom | The Internet Changed on January 1 2020 | March 31, 2020 Google changed Terms and Conditions | Did You Learn or Dismiss | Who What When Did Knowledge of Mayor's Office city and County of Denver |
On March 25, through April 2 2021 we had 17 Youtube channels that were terminated. For allegedly breaking the 3 strike rule on Youtube Channel Platforms. We know who did it, and we did not break any copyright laws. But we have moved into a battle of the dark Copyright Trolls. This is the battle before the actually file claims in Federal Court.
City of Denver: The Mayor of the City of Denver in 1913 Robert W. Speers (Democrat) passed the Speers Amendment. In short, the Speer amned was writen so that no one party would control the governemnt of the City and County of Denver. This power to remain in the hands of the citizens of Denver. And now a Democrat Mayor has been in power since 1963.
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